As the warm sun graces the skies and temperatures soar, our thoughts turn to a season of relaxation and comfort. Summer pyjamas and sleepwear play a vital role in helping us unwind and embrace the serenity of long, balmy nights. Over the years, these delightful garments have evolved to provide not only comfort but also style, reflecting changing fashion trends and our desire for a good night’s sleep. Let us take a journey through time and explore the development of summer pyjamas and sleepwear.

Shortalls, also known as short overalls, are a stylish and versatile wardrobe staple that have been popular for decades. They are essentially a combination of shorts and overalls, with a bib front and adjustable straps that cross over the back, and can be worn by men, women, and children. Shortalls come in a variety of styles, colors, and materials, making them suitable for a wide range of occasions and activities.

Shorts are a popular form of clothing that are typically worn during the warmer months of the year. They are characterized by their shorter length, typically falling above the knee, and are often made from lightweight materials such as cotton or polyester. The history of shorts can be traced back to the early 20th century, when they were first introduced as a practical and comfortable alternative to long pants.